CB Current Search Trends

Do you want to stay up on new internet search trends? Then you've come to the right place!

Free sign-up for this group blog!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Blog Success!

All our blogs at Chatblog are group blogs. Which means anyone who signs up for free is a blogger.

That's why I want to make sure you've heard about our new blog that's called CB Blog Success!

It has great free tips for bloggers!

And you can subscribe to the CB Blog Success Rss Feed without even signing up for chatblog.

So check it out!

Your very excited,
CB Webmaster

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Millions of Blogs yet only One You!

I won't even go into the statistics of how many blogs there are on the world wide web (there's a reason they didn't call it the small town web). But I will tell you - your blog can make it!

But if there are tons of blogs out there how in the heck can my small little blog make it?

Well I'm glad you asked! It boils down to 2 things you need:

1. Being in touch with what the current needs of online users are

2. An original idea

If you combine those 2 things you can't help but succeed!

For example right now one of the current needs of online users is how to get traffic to their blog (hmm, is that how you found this blog?? lol)

Well I had been doing research myself on this for myself so it had been stewing in my subconsciousness for a couple days.

And that's when the "original idea" came to me - to create a blog that informs online users of the best new internet search trends. I then did a simple web search to see if anyone had this already? And to my surprise I found very little on this - imagine me dancing around in a little circle!

Yeah it's really exciting to find a niche that meets the needs of users - why? Because it means your blog will be in high demand - and since there's not much competition out there for it you'll soon see your blog climbing up the ladder of success (okay I know a bit cheesy - but why not?)

So there you go! And remember for real success you've gotta break the rules.

Good luck,
CB Webmaster

P.S. Try this tip: Take whatever topic you're interested in finding information on and run with it! You don't have to be an initial expert in it - how do you think experts become experts? lol As long as you are really interested in finding out all you can about it - you'll eventual get to that expert status - by the way that's one of the leading trends right now for a successful blog - be an expert in the topic. Why? Because people don't want to get operated on by Doctors who got a C- in anatomy...well most people anyway I can't speak for everyone! lol

Let's get started!

We all know that to succeed with your website you first have to be found! ha! And what better way to be found than to know what people are searching for so you can modify your webpage/blog keywords to reflect the current trends yet make you stand out above the rest!

So that's what we're going to do here - examine current search trends and help you figure out what words to use for YOUR site - I'm not speaking generically here - I literally mean your site!

I created this group blog so people can help each other succeed. Why not? Afterall - your success does not hinder my success - let's all be successful! That's my philosophy.

So to get started here a couple quick links for locating current web search trends.


Technorati Popular

Current web trends (Although technically not about search trends, I thought it had some great information on things you would like to consider for your website)

Recent Trends to boost rankings and optimize a website for SEO Again not specifically about search trends - but you'll want to read this one too! In fact from now on just realize I'm gonna give you any good information I can find to help make your website successful!

Ask.com's Current Top Searches!

Btw, earlier when I said "let's all" - I'm including myself in this - I may just be the "CB Webmaster" but I truly believe in offering a free full-service site. So tell your friends - and don't worry I won't help them any more than I'm helping you - we all can succeed - really I mean it.

CB Webmaster

P.S. You may also be interested in joining my other blog CB Make Money for Free